Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 14... Something I will miss

OK, so mostly everyday so far, I have talked about all the positives !! I have hardly talked about the things I will miss....well, besides my family. My daughters, my grand kids, my Mom.... the people I love the most. That is a "given". That is something that can't be shaken off, or changed. I can't even take it into consideration when making this decision to go and spend this time up north. I just will miss them.... Totally....Completely....and everyday !!!! But I know I will survive it, and I will call them all the time (thank heavens for cell phones), I will skype, instant message, facebook etc... just to stay in touch on a regular basis. And.... I will be coming back. I'm not going forever.
So... today something came up that I have to admit needs to be added to my "MISS LIST".
When we give up our house next year, we also give up stuff like this :( Over the past 15 years here, we have planted, harvested and enjoyed lots of Rhubarb, and this year.... so far.... is the best harvest we have had yet. I know that it grows up there too... but this is OURS. This is plants that we started...first with one, then splitting it, then a few years later, splitting again, to where we are today, with about a dozen plants.
I will Miss this.
Rhubarb Pie anyone??

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