Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 10... Morning visitors

I realized today, that it could become quite challenging to find something to write about every day, since this is only day 10 but... I am going to try. Somedays might just be a quick hello, or a picture from the past, but most days I hope to be able to put my thoughts down on paper. So... I thought, what is something else I love about the north??
Who wouldn't want to wake up to this :) Just one more reason to love the north. Here in Port Angeles, we wake up to the neighbors dog, or maybe the sound of birds, ( if we are lucky )... or garbage trucks banging cans around, or the guy down the road reving up his motor as he heads out to work. Up in Soldotna you wake up to quiet, to the loons on the lake, or an occasional visitor like this Mom and her Baby out for a morning stroll.
Sounds good to me :)

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