Wednesday, May 15, 2013

16 days until the official beginning of our departure !

Wow ... Can't believe how fast the time is going by . Only yesterday was may 1st ... at least it feels that way .. Now it's already the middle of the month . 
Everything is almost ready ... All the major things taken care of I think ... Just a few little last minute things to finish up .    I guess when we are actually on the road .. That's when we will find out what we forgot and what we should have done... But by then it won't matter. 
I don't know where this adventure will take us or when it will end but I do know that I'm ready for whatever it brings. I intend to absorb every moment ... Every new sight and sound .... Every challenge and every new experience . And when I come home in a few months or next spring ... I will be able to check off more than one giant big item on my bucket list. Sixteen days till departure ... Woohoo!!
( I'm sure going to miss my family tho ... Wish I could take them all with me :).